susinlee 님의 블로그
Rising Temperature 본문
Write a solution to find all dates' id with higher temperatures compared to its previous dates (yesterday).
Return the result table in any order.
The result format is in the following example.
1. diff() 함수는 연속된 행의 값의 차이를 계산하는 함수. 즉 이전 행과의 현재 행의 차이를 계산
→ 현재행 값 - 이전행 값
import pandas as pd
def rising_temperature(weather: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
weather.sort_values(by='recordDate', inplace=True)
condition1 = weather.recordDate.diff().dt.days == 1
condition2 = weather.temperature.diff() > 0
return weather[condition1 & condition2][['id']]
FROM weather w1, weather w2
WHERE DATEDIFF(w1.recordDate, w2.recordDate) = 1
AND w1.temperature > w2.temperature
FROM weather w1
JOIN weather w2
ON w1.recordDate = DATE_ADD(w2.recordDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
WHERE w1.temperature > w2.temperature
'코드카타 > SQL, Pandas' 카테고리의 다른 글
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